Tuesday, December 9, 2008

# 2 in the "Everyday Life Series"

When I was a little girl my Great Grandma Finney had a wringer washer. To get the water out of the clothes we had to send them through this roller contraption. It was crazy-cool and I always wanted to help. I can still hear her say "watch your fingers... If you get em caught in the rollers they will be flat as a pancake." Ouch! When the laundry was clean we would push the washer back outside on to her back porch then go hang our clothes on the line to dry. I wish I had a picture of that old machine and the laundry blowing in the wind.

When my kids grow up and have children I want them to be able to look back and see how our everyday life really was. Take a picture of your dirty laundry over flowing from the baskets. The clean folded piles of clothes with your child's favorite shirt on top. Your washer/dryer while they are running and lit up. What about the soap and softener you use. What is high tech now surely won't be in 20 years.
After some requests I have added a 2ND page to this series.
Pieces are pre-cut and titles are included. This kit sells for $12.00
Item description: SP-LAUNDRY $12.00

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